Ask an elder to share their voting story with you.

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Sharing stories across generations will help us honor the legacy and importance of voting. In this challenge, we ask you to invite an elder with a voting history to share their voting experiences with you. We’re hoping their wisdom, experiences and passing along of stories will inspire you to approach the vote this year like never before.

Presented By: The Ambassadors Circle

Up for the challenge?

Schedule a time when you can have a quality conversation and ask an elder the following questions:

  1. How was voting viewed or discussed in your family or community? 

  2. When did you first vote in an election and what do you remember most about the experience?  

  3. What challenges, if any, have you faced related to casting your vote? 

  4. In your opinion, have things changed since your first voting experience?  If so, how?

  5. How have your voting experiences shaped your outlook on democracy?

  6. Based on your life experiences, what do you value most about our election process and what should we consider for the future?


  • Remember to exercise patience. Often times the experiences of our elders are grounded in story, so prepare to settle in and listen.

  • If you would like to record your conversations, please be sure to ask if recording and sharing (especially on social media) is ok.

  • Take the conversation one step further and review this specially curated voting guide for seniors that tackled some of the most important issues facing older Americans during the most recent election.

Time for Action!

  1. Reflect on what you heard and consider how their story may impact your perspective and/or actions relating to voting in November 2021.

  2. Share your learnings, reflections and a photo on social media using hashtag #VoteWithLove. Click here for downloadable graphics.

  3. Let us know what you thought about this challenge via this brief survey here.

  4. Get registered! Click here to register to vote.  If you are a citizen out of the country, register here.