Reflect on Your Personal Voting Story

20 min black.png


Every story has a beginning. Whether it is your first time voting or your tenth, each voting experience will change as you continue to grow and the country continues to move forward.  Take a moment to reflect on the beginning of your voting experience until now.  Which moments stand out?  What experiences would you have changed?  Take a moment to reflect and then challenge yourself to consider the following questions when you vote.

Presented By: The Ambassadors Circle

Up for the challenge?

Grab a notebook and quietly reflect on the following questions:

  1. How was voting viewed or discussed in your family or inner circle? 

  2. What was your first voting experience like for you?

  3. If you had questions leading up to election day, where/who did you go to for answers?

  4. If you were eligible and you chose not to vote in the past, what informed that decision?  

  5. Will you vote in the next election?  Why or why not?


  • Remember there is no right answer. This challenge is meant to help you reflect on your own personal experience. Check out these helpful tips on the meaning and importance of self reflection.

Time for Action!

  1. Share your learnings, reflections and a photo on social media using hashtag #VoteWithLove. Click here for downloadable graphics.

  2. Let us know what you thought about this challenge via this brief survey here.

  3. Get registered! Click here to register to vote. If you are a citizen out of the country, register here.